Wayfinding Ambassador

Wayfinding Ambassador

Wayfinding Ambassador

Time Commitment: 1.75 hours (90 mins before ceremony + 15 mins after ceremony start)

Role and Responsibilities:

Wayfinding Ambassadors may be stationed around Brock Commons South, Flag Pole Plaza and the Chan Centre to greet graduands, their families, and guests as they arrive and direct them to the various graduation locations on campus.

Wayfinders could be stationed in one of these spots:

  • Brock Commons South
  • Volunteer Check-In Booth outside of Royal Bank Cinema at Chan Centre
  • Inside/outside Chan Centre
  • Flag Pole Plaza
  • Wayfinding Ambassador may also help other volunteers with latecomers

Chan Centre Check-In:

All volunteers report to the Volunteer Desk located at the Royal Bank Cinema Entrance at the Chan Centre at the start of your shift to receive updates. Once you have checked-in please report to your stations.


Volunteer Check-In

  • Located at the Royal Bank Cinema entrance at the Chan Centre.
  • Assist by providing directions to UBC Staff and other Volunteers that are part of the platform party.
  • Answer any general questions regarding Convocation and the ceremony.

Entrance to Student Marshaling Tent

  • Assist by providing directions to graduands, their families, and guest.
  • Answer any general questions regarding Convocation and the ceremony.
  • Direct graduands to the Student Marshaling Tent, robing area and advise them to go to the mustering area once they have received they have received their gown.
  • Graduands should be discouraged from leaving the Student Marshaling Tent 45 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony. Marshals will begin the process of lining students up and giving important instructions around this time.
  • If the procession is lined up or leaving the building, quickly escort any late graduands directly to a Ceremonies and Events staff member who will decide whether the graduand can participate in the procession or will be taken on a different route to the Chan Centre.

At the end of your shift, please check out at the Volunteer Desk. Thank you!

Revised: November 26, 2024