Graduand Usher

Graduand Usher

Graduand Usher

Time Commitment: 2hrs (30 mins before ceremony + 90 mins ceremony)

Role and Responsibilities:

  • This volunteer role complements the tasks of the professional Chan Centre Ushers.
  • Ushers assist with the movement of students in the Chan Centre Concert Hall.
  • Ushers manage the flow of graduands by guiding them from their seats, toward the stage and safely back down from the stage and to their seats.
  • Ushers also assist with any late arrivals as well as graduands with special needs.
  • Ushers are there to lend an extra hand to the graduands and their guests whenever needed.
  • Ushers may assist Graduand Marshals to ensure graduands are in their correct processional order.

Chan Centre Check-in:

Report to the Desk located at the Royal Bank Cinema Entrance at the Chan Centre, 30 minutes ahead of ceremony. If you require regalia, this is where you will receive your hood and/or gown. If you do not have a UBC degree, we have a limited supply of usher stoles. Proceed to Chan Centre Glass Lobby.

During the Ceremony:

Two ushers are needed during each ceremony:

  • To help the new graduates descend the stairs from the stage without falling.
  • To show graduates back to their original seats in the Chan Shun Concert Hall.

The main focus of the usher begins as the graduands in the first row line up to process audience right; the two ushers assume their positions, as follows:

  • One stands at the bottom of the stairs (audience left) and extends a hand to each person descending, in order to focus their attention on the stairs rather than the audience.
  • One stands beside the rows of seats (audience left), indicating the row the graduates should come back to, moving up the aisle as each row fills. This helps ensure the students return to their original seat, where they may have left personal items before going onstage.
  • Students that require an aisle seat for special reasons must return to an aisle seat.


At the end of the Ceremony:

As the ceremony comes to a close, Ushers instruct the graduates seated at the end of each row on audience left of the Concert Hall as follows:

  • One of the Ushers (Usher 2) will cross over to the audience right side of the Concert Hall to assist with guiding students out of the Hall.
  • Usher 1: The FIRST and subsequent ODD rows of students will fall in behind the academic procession, which will exit the stage on audience LEFT side (where the Mace is placed during the ceremony). Please ensure the SECOND and subsequent EVEN rows of students follow the procession on audience right.
  • Usher 2: Ensures the SECOND and subsequent EVEN rows of students will follow the graduand marshal, exiting up the on audience RIGHT side. Please ensure ODD rows of students follow the procession on the audience left.

At the end of your shift, please check out at the Volunteer Check-In area. Thank you!

Revised: March 14, 2023