Time Commitment: 1.75 hour (90 mins before ceremony + 15 mins after ceremony begins)
Role and Responsibilities:
- Assists graduands with their gowns, hoods, and mortar boards (cap) as they arrive.
Chan Centre Check-in:
Graduand Robing Assistants (GRA) report to the Volunteer Desk located at the Royal Bank Cinema Entrance at the Chan Centre at start of shift to receive any updates.
Mustering Area – Student marshaling area, Brock Commons South:
- Arrive 1.5 hours before the ceremony commences.
- GRA check in with Ceremonies and Events lead.
- Assist the graduands in pinning their hoods and finding their place in the procession line.
Supplies are provided by the Ceremonies and Events lead:
- Pins
- Band-Aids (optional)
- Thimble (optional)
- Pin Cushion bracelet (optional)
Bachelors & Master’s Regalia:
Graduands will arrive in the marshaling area with their robes, hoods and mortar boards:
- The black gown has a loose fit and should be an appropriate length (mid-calf and the sleeve should not completely cover the hand).
- The gown should be closed using the zipper located at the front.
How to pin a Hood:
- Encourage graduands to close their gown with the zipper.
- When attaching pins to the graduands gown, let them know you will be affixing the gown to ensure that they are comfortable with that level of contact.
- Pin the hood to the front of the gown (1 for each side, along the seams of the trim) and at the back of the gown at the shoulder blades with straight pins.
- Fold the inside part of the hood over to cover the pin.
- Pins fastened to the gown and hood should not be visible.
- Let the graduand know how many pins they have in their robe and where they are located.
- After you are finished pinning; Ensure each graduand is advised to line up according to the number on their name card.
Mortar board (cap):
- Bachelors and Master caps are black with a black tassel.
- For graduands with no previous degree, the tassel should rest on the student’s right side. For graduands with a previous degree the tassel should rest on the student’s left side.
PhD Regalia:
- Burgundy-coloured with blue panels and gold trim, has a loose fit and should be an appropriate length (the sleeve should not completely cover the hand and should be mid-calf).
- PhD hoods are not pinned to the gown but carried by the graduands neatly across their LEFT arm. Let each PhD graduand know that they will be hooded by the President on stage as he confers their degrees.
- Note: If a PhD graduand is not comfortable with that level of contact, please advise the Ceremonies and Events lead.
Mortar board (cap):
- PhD caps are burgandy with a gold tassel.
- The tassel should rest on the graduand’s left side.
Helping Late Students:
Graduand Robing Assistants may also provide additional assistance by accompanying latecomers from Brock Commons South to Chan Centre.
Chan Centre:
15 minutes after the start time of the ceremony, Robing Assistant volunteers can return their lanyard to the Volunteer check-in desk and sign out of their shift.
At the end of your shift, please check out at the Volunteer Check-In area. Thank you!