Time Commitment: 2.25 hours (45 mins before ceremony + approx. 90 mins ceremony)
Role and Responsibilities:
The Macebearer is one of the highest-profile volunteer roles during Congregation as they carry the University Mace. This position is open to faculty members and librarians.
The Macebearer leads and marshals the Chancellor’s Party and Procession, which entails:
- Leading participants to and from the Chan Shun Concert Hall.
- Carrying the University Mace as you lead the procession, which includes up and down sets of stairs.
Chan Centre Check-in:
Macebearers report to the Volunteer Check-in located at the Royal Bank Cinema entrance at the Chan Centre 45 minutes before the beginning of their ceremony to receive any updates. Once you have checked in please report to the Ceremonies and Events team lead in the Great Performers Lounge.
In the Robing Room
The Macebearer should arrive at the Great Performers Lounge 45 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony and check-in with the Ceremonies and Events staff onsite.
- For every ceremony, a list of participants is prepared with specific seating and procession orders. This list will be available on the day from the Ceremonies and Events staff and will also be posted on the wall of the Robing Room, so that the participants can check where they are seated, and where they are walking in procession.
- Approximately 10 minutes before the procession is due to leave, you may be called on to assist the Director of Ceremonies with lining up the procession participants. This is done by calling out their names and putting them in order.
- Upon notice that the Faculty Procession has lined up and is waiting in the lobby at the entrance to the Chan Shun Concert Hall, the Chancellor’s Party and Procession are led by the Macebearer down the stairs, and into the concert hall.
- Please ensure that the flat part of the university coat of arms is pointed up, i.e. the picture.
In the Concert Hall:
- The Macebearer leads the Chancellor’s Party and Procession to the far set of doors leading into the Chan Shun Concert Hall.
- The Faculty Procession will already be waiting there. Please ensure that all members of the Chancellor’s Party and Procession, particularly the President and Chancellor, are present before advising the Senior Marshal that the Procession is ready to proceed.
- When ready, Ceremonies & Events staff cue the Senior Marshal, who is on stage, and who in turn signals the conductor to begin the procession music.
- The Faculty Procession precedes the Chancellor’s Party and Procession. There is usually no gap between the two processions, Ceremonies and Events staff will provide any additional instructions.
- The Macebearer processes onto the stage (audience right), walks across the stage to the last seat and stands, shouldering the Mace, until the Chancellor arrives at the Chancellor’s chair. At this point the Macebearer places the Mace on the stand (Flat side of crest up) at the front of the stage, with the smaller end pointing towards the centre of the stage.
- The University Marshal or Senior Marshal will guide the faculty into their seats.
- The Macebearer generally has no other role during the ceremony, however additional instructions may be provided by the University and Senior Marshals.
At the end of the ceremony, following the President’s closing remarks:
- The Macebearer steps forward, shoulders the Mace and steps towards the stairs (stage right), pausing for the Chancellor, Honorary Degree Recipient (if present) and President to follow. Once those three are in position, the Macebearer leads them down the stairs and out of the Chan Centre.
- The Registrar follows with the rest of the Chancellor’s Party and Procession participants. The Faculty Procession follows, led by the Faculty Marshals, and finally the graduates are led out.
To facilitate the quick, safe exiting of the guests from the Chan Centre, it is very important for the Macebearer to lead the procession out of the Chan, up the steps all the way to the Flag Pole Plaza which will encourage the rest of the processions to do the same. This will help avoid any congestion with those waiting to enter the Chan for the next ceremony.
NOTE: In inclement weather, the Macebearer should simply lead the Chancellor’s Party and Procession directly back to the Robing Room (Great Performer’s Lounge).
Following the ceremony:
Once at the Flag Pole Plaza, the procession usually breaks ranks for conversation and photographs so the responsibility of the Macebearer with respect to leading the procession is over. Frequently, students and their family members want to have photos taken with the Macebearer, the Chancellor and/or various members of the platform party.
Please accommodate these requests if possible. However, please remember that the Mace needs to be back in the Robing Room no later than 20 minutes before the next ceremony. Following the last ceremony of the day, the Mace needs to be returned to the Robing Room no later than 30 minutes after the end of the ceremony.
At the end of your shift, please check out at the Volunteer Desk. Thank you!