Time Commitment: 2 hours (30 mins before ceremony + 90 mins ceremony)
Role and Responsibilities:
Faculty Marshals are members of Faculty who are responsible for:
- Lining up the Faculty Procession and leading them from the Robing Room to the ceremony.
- Placing Teaching Prize winners.
- Placing faculty members, who indicated in advance that they have family members or students graduating, at the front of the procession so they are seated in a convenient location on the stage.
Chan Centre Check-In:
Faculty Marshals report to the Volunteer Check-In located at the Royal Bank Cinema Entrance at the Chan Centre 30 minutes ahead of your ceremony start time, to receive any updates. Once you have checked-in, please report to the Royal Bank Cinema – Faculty Robing Room.
In the Robing Room:
- The Robing Room for Faculty is located in the Royal Bank Cinema in the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts. If Faculty members have rented a gown from the UBC Bookstore, that is where it can be collected.
- Ceremonies and Events Staff will provide the Faculty Marshal with a diagram of the seating arrangement on stage, including the marked seating for the Teaching Prize Recipient and/or Faculty who have requested specific seating. There will also be a diagram placed on an easel for the Faculty to review.
- The Faculty Marshal will be notified by one of the staff when the student procession has left the marshaling area (approximately 20 minutes ahead of ceremony start time).
- At this point the Faculty Marshal should begin to line up the Faculty.
- Approximately 10 minutes ahead of the ceremony start time, a staff member or Senior Marshal comes and advises the Faculty Marshal it is time to go and leads them to the position in the Chan lobby.
In the Concert Hall:
- The Faculty Marshal leads the Procession through the Glass Lobby to the last set of doors of the Chan Shun Concert Hall (across from the washrooms). Once there, please remain in line and do not open the inside door of the Concert Hall until the Chancellor’s Procession has arrived as well. Ceremonies & Events staff will confirm that all members of the Chancellor’s Procession are in place.
- When ready, the Senior Marshal provides this confirmation and will signal the Conductor to begin the procession music. At that point, the Senior Marshal will signal to the Faculty Marshal to enter the Chan Shun Concert Hall and to process on stage.
- The Faculty Marshal proceeds to the front of the Concert Hall, process onto the stage (audience right) and is greeted by the University Marshal who will guide the procession across the stage to the row/rows of seats allocated for the Faculty.
- Senior Marshals may ask for additional assistance from the Faculty Marshal during the ceremony to help direct students on stage.
At end of ceremony:
The Macebearer leads the Chancellor’s Party and Procession out of the Concert Hall, down the stage right steps of the concert hall and into the lobby. The Faculty Procession follows the Chancellor’s Procession off stage. In nice weather, the platform party will proceed out and up the stairs to the Flag Pole Plaza. Occasionally the second row of faculty will be guided to exit stage left to expedite the departure of the processions. However, the Faculty Marshal’s row will always exit down the stage right stairs of the stage behind the Chancellor’s Procession.
NOTE: A Senior Marshal is on stage at all times to assist with procession and recession.
At the end of your shift, please check out at the Volunteer Desk. Thank you!