Time Commitment: 2.75 hours (75 mins before ceremony + 90 mins ceremony)
Role and Responsibilities:
Graduand Marshals (GM) are faculty or staff who may work closely with students in their faculty, school or department. Two GMs are required for each ceremony: a GM (Stage) and a GM (Floor).
Both GMs have an important role in ensuring that the graduands receive all directions and assists them to process to the Chan Centre in an orderly fashion, to be seated, to cross the stage and to process out providing a stress-free experience for all.
The GMs will work in conjunction with a Senior Marshal on stage to attain and maintain a good pacing for the students to cross the stage.
Graduand Marshal (Stage):
- Assists with pinning hoods in the robing area if needed and as comfortable.
- Briefs graduands in the marshalling area in Brock Commons South (see Graduand Marshal script).
- Leads the first line of graduands towards the Chan Centre following the instructions of the Ceremonies & Events staff.
- Guides the PhD candidates (if applicable) to the stage to be received by the Senior Marshal on stage.
- Guides the masters and undergraduates into their rows in the Chan Shun Concert Hall, assisted by the GM (Floor).
- Is on stage left to assist with reader cards and direct each graduand as they cross the stage
* cueing reader about degree changes. - At end of ceremony, leads second row of graduates out from audience right, following the PhDs (if any).
Graduand Marshal (Floor):
- Assists with pinning hoods in the robing area if needed.
- Assists getting graduands into correct line and processional number order in the student marshalling tent area.
- Leads the procession from the mid-point student towards the Chan Centre following the instructions of the Ceremonies & Events staff.
- During the ceremony, assists on the floor, audience right, placing late students into their procession and helping track degree changes.
- At end of ceremony, leads first row of graduates out from audience left, following faculty procession.
Chan Centre check in:
75 minutes before the ceremony
Both GMs report to Volunteer Check-in at the Royal Bank Cinema Entrance to the Chan Centre before shift to receive any updates and to pick up academic regalia.
In the marshaling area, Brock Commons South:
60 minutes before the ceremony:
Both GMs check in with Ceremonies & Events lead for briefing, assist the students in pinning their hoods and finding their place in the procession line.
45 minutes before the ceremony:
GM (Stage) welcomes students, introduces both GMs and reads part one of script.
35 minutes before the ceremony:
GM (Stage) reads full script; GM (Floor) continues to assist students with lining up in processional number order.
30 minutes before the ceremony:
GM (Stage) leads first line of students (rows 1 through 4) out to the crosswalk. GM (Floor) assists the lines of students to follow the leader and keep in processional number order.
Once they reach the mid-point student, the GM (Floor) walks in front of that person, leading the second half of the procession (rows 5 through 8) out to the crosswalk to create a second line on the right.
25 minutes before the ceremony:
Walking side by side, both GMs lead their lines together into the Chan Centre through the Royal Bank Cinema entrance and into the Glass Lobby. Graduands should be in the lobby 15 mins before the start of the ceremony.
In the Chan Centre:
Both GMs lead their lines; walking all the way to the end of the Glass Lobby and then looping back around to stand in two rows beside the Parterre Left Door, creating a double-horseshoe.
The GM (Stage) leads the first line into the inside doors of the auditorium and pauses at the top of the steps and raises their hand to cue that the students have arrived and are ready to process. They hold that position until they hear their introduction cue.
The GM (Floor) holds their line in position in the foyer ready to immediately follow the first line in.
Once the introduction of the student procession has arrived and the band commences, the GM (Stage) leads the procession in single-file entry into the auditorium, beginning with PhD candidates (if present).
Upon reaching the first row the GM (Stage) will direct the PhD candidates (if present) on stage to be received by a Senior Marshal on stage and remain at the foot of the stairs until the masters (or bachelors) arrive to be guided into the first row of the auditorium seating.
The GM (Floor) will lead the second line of students into the auditorium immediately after the first line, at which point the GM (Stage) will continue the process of leading the students through the rows into their seats. The GM (floor) will make their way to the other side of the auditorium and begin to slot late graduates.
Once all students are seated, both GMs will go to audience right to sit in the Usher seats. At this time to GM (Stage) should ensure they have a copy of the program.
During the Ceremony:
Once the stage is being set for the conferring of degrees, the two GMs should go to their positions:
- GM (Stage) will be positioned at the top of the stairs (at stage left) to receive the students.
- GM (Floor) will stand at the foot of the stairs (audience right) to facilitate the conferral of degrees. If needed, they will assist on audience left in place of ushers.
- If there are any issues during the ceremony while the degrees are being conferred the GMs should ask the Senior Marshal for assistance. For instances where there are students who need assistance in crossing the stage, the Senior Marshal will assist the student as necessary. The Senior Marshal will inform the GM of any student with special needs who will be crossing the stage, so they know to hold the line of students while the student receives their degree.
After the Ceremony:
At the end of the ceremony, the GM (Floor) will go over to audience left and the GM (Stage) will remain on audience right.
Once the Faculty Procession has left the stage, the GM (Floor) will follow them, leading the first row of students from audience left out of the auditorium, through the lobby and out of the building, proceeding all the way to Flag Pole Plaza.
The GM (Stage) will lead the second row of students from audience right, following the PhDs who have come off stage, out of the auditorium, through the lobby and out of the building, proceeding all the way to Flag Pole Plaza. If there are no PhDs, the GM will lead the second row once the Chancellor’s Procession has left the stage. GM (Stage) may be asked to lead the PhDs if a Senior Marshal is not available.
The Ushers will ensure that the rows go out in order after that (alternating odd-even on either side) until all graduates have left the building.
At the end of your shift, please check out at the Volunteer Check-In area.