MR. CHANCELLOR, recognized for his success and integrity in the business community, UBC alumnus Edwin Leong also exemplifies extraordinary accomplishment and thoughtful humanity in his philanthropic endeavours.
Shortly after completing his Bachelor of Science degree from UBC and his Masters degree from the University of Toronto, he founded Hong-Kong-based company, Tai Hung Fai Group, which has grown into one of Hong Kong’s well-known property investment and development companies.
By pursuing a business strategy anchored in the core value of building a harmonious future, Tai Hung Fai has been actively participating in urban redevelopment and community revitalization projects.
Along the way he has pursued equally extraordinary aspirations in global citizenry. Focused primarily on children and the elderly, his Foundation supports a collaborative global network of researchers whose accelerated expertise improves the lives of people at both ends of the life course.
One of the most compelling examples of his philanthropic vision is the Henry G. Leong Mobile Integrative Health Centre, which provides free health-screening and monitoring services to disadvantaged senior citizens in Hong Kong. Conversely, through the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, he has provided tuition fees and living expenses for hundreds of under-privileged high school and post-secondary students.
He also provides financial support for young scholars at Cambridge University as well as professorships and research funding at the University of Hong Kong.
It must also be noted that his transformational gift to UBC recently enabled the Faculty of Medicine to establish the Edwin S.H. Leong Healthy Aging Program, while another to the University of Toronto established the Edwin S.H. Leong Center for Healthy Children.
Mr. Chancellor, in recognition of his extraordinary record of translating success in business into even greater fortune for humankind, I ask you to confer the degree Doctor of Laws, honoris causa upon EDWIN S.H. LEONG.